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As our valued customer, your feedback would be valuable to us to create a pleasant dining & shopping experience for everyone to enjoy.

Thank you for spending time to fill in the details.


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Email Address * :
Phone Number * :
Subject * :
Suggestion / Feedback * :
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Palm Mall Management

Level 4, Palm Mall,
Jalan Sungai Ujong, 70200 Seremban,
Negeri Sembilan,Darul Khusus. 

Office No.: +606 -765 6688
Office Fax: +606 -765 6064

Management Office Hour

Date : Monday - Saturday
          (Except public holidays) 
Time : Monday - Friday, 9.00 am - 6.00 pm
           Saturday, 9.00 am - 1.00 pm

Customer Service Department

Email :
Office No.: +60​6 -​765 6073​​

Leasing Department

Email : 
Office No.: +606 -765 6688

Events & Promotions Department

Email :
Office No.: +606 -765 6688